MakaraMakara, an intriguing mythical creature mentioned in the Puranas, is a sea monster with the head of a crocodile and the body of a fish. Delve into the captivating tales surrounding Makara.
Garuda Garuda, a divine bird with the body of a human and the wings and beak of an eagle, plays a significant role in Hindu mythology, particularly in the Garuda Purana. Explore the fascinating legends of Garuda.
Jatayu Jatayu, a prominent character in Hindu mythology and the Puranas, is a heroic vulture-like bird known for its bravery and its role in the Ramayana epic. Explore the captivating tales of Jatayu.
AiravataAiravata, a celestial white elephant with multiple heads, is a revered creature mentioned in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Discover the captivating stories and symbolism surrounding Airavata.
Uchchaihshravas Uchchaihshravas, a divine seven-headed horse, holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Explore the fascinating legends and symbolic significance associated with Uchchaihshravas.
SharabhaSharabha, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a bird or elephant, is a captivating entity mentioned in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Delve into the intriguing tales of Sharabha.
KinnaraKinnara, half-human and half-bird creatures, are captivating beings found in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Explore their enchanting tales, celestial music, and unique characteristics.
VanaraVanara, monkey-like humanoids, are prominent creatures in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Known for their strength and agility, they played a significant role in the epic Ramayana. Discover the fascinating world of the Vanaras.
Nandi Nandi, the sacred bull and vehicle of Lord Shiva, is a revered creature in Hindu mythology and the Puranas. Explore the divine significance and legends associated with Nandi.