Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Spitting Cobra While not truly spitting acid, some species of spitting cobras can eject venom from their fangs, aiming for the eyes of potential threats. The venom can cause pain, blindness, and other adverse effects.

Bombardier Beetle This beetle can release a spray of noxious and sometimes caustic chemicals as a defense mechanism. The chemicals can cause irritation or burns on the skin of predators.

Horned Lizard Some species of horned lizards are capable of shooting blood from their eyes as a defensive tactic. The blood contains chemicals that are noxious and can deter predators.

Mantis Shrimp Mantis shrimp have powerful appendages that they use to strike prey. They can deliver a blow with incredible speed and force, which could be seen as a form of "acid spit" due to the damage they can inflict.

Spitting Spider Certain species of  spitting spiders can project a mixture of silk and venom at their prey. While not acidic, this mixture immobilizes  the prey and allows the spider to consume it.

Irrawaddy Dolphin These dolphins have been known to expel stomach acid when under stress. This acid can act as a defense mechanism by creating an unpleasant environment for predators.

Archerfish While not spitting acid, archerfish are known for shooting jets of water at insects above the water's surface. They use this water jet to knock insects into the water, making them easier to catch and eat.

Hooded Pitohui This bird is known to have toxic skin and feathers that can cause irritation or numbness when touched. While not truly spitting acid, it's an example of an animal using its toxic properties for defense.