10 Feng Shui Fish: Lucky Fish For Home Aquarium

Angelfish  The Angelfish is counted among the prettiest species of a fish that is suitable to be kept in a freshwater aquarium. This fish is available in different sizes, shapes and colours

Arowana Fish  This is also popularly referred to as Dragon Fish and is amongst the most preferred feng shui fish for aquariums. Arowana fish symbolizes wealth, power, health and happiness in feng shui

Black Moor Fish  This fish is considered one of the best feng shui fish to be kept in an aquarium as this fish would take away all the probable negative effects in your home and in lieu generate positive energy in your home.

Gold Fish When talking about the best feng shui fish, the Goldfish is the most economical, frequent and straightforward choice. This fish is usually preferred to be kept in a fish tank as this fish symbolizes beauty and harmony

Flower Horn Fish The Flower horn fish is genuinely known for its immense beauty and is believed to bring an immense amount of good luck and a lot of love to its owner

Butterfly Koi This beautiful feng shui fish is known as a legendary swimmer and is able to swim against the strongest of water currents. This fish symbolizes achievements, career success and good luck to the students as well as the careerists

Guppy Fish The Guppy fish is a very popular breed of fish that is usually kept in a feng shui fish tank, and it does not require much knowledge and care to maintain this fish.

Platy Fish The Platy fish is a great choice for fish keepers. This is a breed of fish you can easily care for and is a great choice for a feng shui fish tank or a community tank, as this fish is naturally peaceful

Cory Catfish If you have a large aquarium, you should make it a point to include Cory catfish. This can be a perfect fish to be kept in your feng shui fish aquarium if it is a minimum of 10-gallon tank

Gourami Fish There are several versions of this fish species, and most of the species work well in freshwater indoor aquariums. If you are planning to purchase Gourami fish, you should choose the variant depending on the size of your aquarium