Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Grasses Tall grasses can provide cover for small rodents and insects, which are common prey for snakes.

Shrubs and Bushes  Dense shrubbery can offer hiding places for rodents and insects, drawing snakes looking for a meal.

Bamboo Bamboo groves create  a dense and moist environment, which can be attractive to snakes' prey.

Water Plants  Aquatic plants like water lilies and reeds near water bodies can provide habitat for frogs and other prey species that snakes feed on.

Fruit Trees Fruit-bearing trees may attract birds and rodents, which, in turn, could lure snakes seeking food.

Gardens with Vegetables  Gardens can support a diverse population of insects and small critters, which might attract snakes.

Wetlands and Marshes  Areas with standing water and abundant vegetation can attract various snake prey species.

Palm Trees Palm trees can harbor insects and small creatures, which could be potential prey for snakes.

Overgrown Vegetation  Neglected or overgrown areas can provide shelter and food sources for rodents and other small animals.

Compost Piles Compost heaps can attract insects, worms, and small animals, which might attract snakes.