Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Gardenia  (Gardenia jasminoides)  Gardenias are known for their beautiful, fragrant, and white flowers that emit a subtle glow in the moonlight.

Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Evening primrose is a  night-blooming plant with delicate yellow or white flowers that open in the evening and shine brightly at night.

Night-Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) This plant produces small, tubular, greenish-white flowers that release a  sweet fragrance at night  and can appear  luminescent in the dark.

Silver Mound  (Artemisia schmidtiana) A compact, mounded perennial with finely divided, silvery-gray foliage that reflects moonlight, making it stand out in the darkness.

Silver Sage (Salvia argentea)  This plant has large,  woolly, silver leaves that shine beautifully under  the moon's glow.

Echeveria Several varieties of Echeveria have powdery blue or silver foliage that can create a glowing effect in the moonlight.

White Hydrangea  (Hydrangea arborescens) Some varieties of white hydrangeas, such as Annabelle, can have large, round flower clusters that shine brightly at night.

White Nicotiana  (Nicotiana alata) Also known as flowering tobacco, this plant has trumpet-shaped, white flowers that release a pleasant fragrance at night.

Artemisia Powis Castle (Artemisia Powis Castle)  Another silver-leaved variety of Artemisia with a shrub-like growth habit, ideal for reflecting moonlight.

Fairy Wings (Epimedium)  Some Epimedium species have heart-shaped leaves  with a silvery sheen,  creating an enchanting  effect in the moonlight.