Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Koalas  Koalas are well-known for spending most of their day sleeping or resting in eucalyptus trees. They have a specialized diet and are arboreal, spending a majority of their time in trees.

Sloths Sloths are famous for their slow movements and spend the majority of their lives in trees. They sleep in trees and move very little, even while resting or sleeping.

Tree dwelling primates  Various species of primates, such as gibbons, tarsiers, and certain lemurs, are tree-dwellers and often sleep in the branches of trees for safety and shelter.

Flying squirrels Flying squirrels are nocturnal and are known for gliding from tree to tree. They typically rest and sleep in tree cavities or nests in the branches.

Bats  Bats are primarily nocturnal and are known to roost and sleep in trees, caves, or other structures during the day. Some bat species use trees as their roosting sites.

Certain snakes Some snake species, like tree pythons and tree boas, are arboreal and spend much of their time in trees, including for sleeping and resting.

Tree dwelling birds Many bird species that are adapted to arboreal life, such as owls, hornbills, and certain parrots, sleep and roost in trees for protection and safety.

Tree frogs Tree frogs, as the name suggests, spend a significant portion of their lives in trees. They use the branches and leaves of trees as their habitats and sleeping spots.