Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Blue Whale The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth and can produce sounds that reach up to 188 decibels. Their low-frequency calls can be heard for hundreds of miles underwater.

Howler Monkey Howler monkeys are known for their loud and distinctive howling calls that can be heard up to 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) away in the dense forests of Central and South America.

Lion Lions are often referred to as the kings of the jungle and for a good reason. Their roaring can reach up to 114 decibels and can be heard from several miles away, serving as a territorial and communication signal.

Elephant Elephants produce deep infrasound rumbles that can travel long distances, sometimes exceeding 100 decibels. These low-frequency sounds are used for long-distance communication.

Kakapo The Kakapo, a flightless parrot from New Zealand, has a booming call that can reach around 132 decibels. This call is used to attract mates and establish territory.

Greater Bulldog Bat These bats are known for their high-pitched echolocation calls, which can reach around 137 decibels. They use these calls to locate prey while hunting.

Cicadas Cicadas, especially the males, are known for their loud, buzzing calls that can reach over 120 decibels. They produce these sounds by rapidly vibrating their tymbals, which are specialized structures in their abdomen.