Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Venus Flytrap  (Dionaea muscipula) Perhaps the most famous carnivorous plant, the Venus Flytrap has hinged leaves with trigger-sensitive hairs. When an insect touches these hairs, the leaves snap shut, trapping and eventually digesting the prey.

Pitcher Plant  (Various Genera) There are several genera of pitcher plants, including Nepenthes, Sarracenia, and Darlingtonia. These plants have specialized leaves that form elongated, pitcher-like structures filled with digestive enzymes. Insects are lured into the pitchers and become trapped.

Sundew (Drosera spp) Sundews are characterized by their sticky, glandular hairs that secrete a mucilaginous substance. Insects are attracted to the shiny drops and become stuck. The plant then curls its leaves around the prey and releases digestive enzymes.

Butterwort (Pinguicula spp)  Butterworts have flat,  sticky leaves that trap insects. Once an insect lands on the leaves, it becomes ensnared in the adhesive substance. Digestive enzymes are then secreted to break down the prey.

Bladderwort  (Utricularia spp) Bladderworts are aquatic carnivorous plants that have small, bladder-like traps. These traps are equipped with a vacuum mechanism that sucks in tiny aquatic organisms, including  insects and protozoa.

Waterwheel Plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa)  This floating carnivorous plant has whorls of tiny, underwater traps that resemble rotating wheels. When an insect touches the trigger hairs, the trap snaps shut, capturing the prey.

Cobra Plant  (Darlingtonia californica) Also known as the  California pitcher plant, the cobra plant has tubular leaves with a hooded structure. Insects are lured into the hood and become trapped inside the pitcher, where they are digested.

Brocchinia reducta This bromeliad species is native to South America and has adapted to nutrient-poor environments by developing specialized leaves that form water-filled pools. Insects are attracted to these pools and are subsequently digested by the plant.