Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Goblin Shark A peculiar-looking shark with a long, flattened snout and protruding jaw, resembling a goblin. Its unique appearance and retractable jaw make it one of the oddest-looking sharks.

Vampire Squid Despite its name, it's not a  true squid or octopus. It has  a dark, webbed cloak-like structure and red eyes, giving it a vampiric appearance. It's an ancient and mysterious deep-sea creature.

Barreleye Fish These fish have transparent heads and tubular eyes that can rotate within the head. They are also known as spookfish due to their elusive behavior and strange appearance.

Blobfish A deep-sea fish with a gelatinous, droopy appearance. It looks quite different in its natural deep-sea habitat compared to the distorted appearance it takes on when brought to the surface.

Giant Tube Worms Found near hydrothermal vents, these worms lack a digestive system and rely on a symbiotic relationship with chemosynthetic bacteria for sustenance. They have no mouth, gut, or anus.

Dumbo Octopus Named after the Disney character, these octopuses have ear-like fins protruding from their heads, resembling Dumbo's ears. They are  deep-sea dwellers and  among the cutest of the  deep-sea creatures.

Deep Sea Dragonfish A bioluminescent fish with long, fang-like teeth and a bioluminescent lure that hangs in front of its mouth. It uses this lure to attract prey in the darkness of the deep ocean.

Giant Isopod Resembling oversized pill bugs, giant isopods are deep-sea crustaceans that can grow to enormous sizes. They have a jointed exoskeleton and are known for their scavenging habits.