Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Fleas Fleas are tiny insects known for their incredible jumping ability relative to their size. They can jump up to 150 times their own body length, thanks to a specialized leg structure that stores and releases energy rapidly.

Froghoppers (Spittlebugs)  These small insects are capable of jumping impressive distances by releasing a high-pressure liquid from their abdomen, propelling them into the air. They can jump around 100 times their body length.

Kangaroos Kangaroos are iconic for their powerful hind legs, adapted for hopping. They can jump as high as 3 times their own height, covering distances of over 25 feet in a single leap.

Grasshoppers Grasshoppers are known for their ability to jump using their strong hind legs. They can jump around 20 times their body length, utilizing the energy stored in their leg muscles.

Frogs Frogs have powerful hind legs that enable them to jump many times their body length. They use their legs to push off the ground, and their webbed feet help them steer in mid-air.

Locusts Similar to grasshoppers, locusts possess strong hind legs that allow them to make remarkable jumps. They can cover impressive distances in search of food or to escape predators.

Pronghorn Antelope These North American animals have powerful leg muscles that allow them to leap great distances at speeds up to 55 mph. Their jumping ability is an adaptation for escaping predators on the open plains.

Pronghorn Antelope These North American animals have powerful leg muscles that allow them to leap great distances at speeds up to 55 mph. Their jumping ability is an adaptation for escaping predators on the open plains.