Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Pavanamuktasana This pose helps in releasing gas and improving digestion, which can relieve constipation. Lie on your back, bend your knees to your chest, and hug them with your arms. Hold for a few breaths and then release.

Uttanasana Uttanasana stretches the back and stimulates the abdominal organs, promoting digestion and relieving constipation. Stand straight, bend forward at the hips, and reach for your feet or shins.

Malasana Malasana helps in stimulating bowel movements by stretching the lower back and opening the hips. Squat down with your feet close together and your heels on the floor.

Marjariasana This pose helps in  massaging and stimulating  the digestive organs, promoting better digestion and  alleviating constipation.  Start on your hands and  knees, arching and rounding your back in a flowing motion.

Bhujangasana Bhujangasana helps in improving digestion and relieving constipation by stretching the abdomen and stimulating the digestive organs. Lie on your stomach, hands under your shoulders, and lift your upper body while keeping your pelvis on the floor.

Supta Matsyendrasana This pose helps in improving digestion and relieving constipation by gently massaging the abdominal organs. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and twist to the side, bringing your knees towards the floor.

Dhanurasana Dhanurasana stretches  the abdomen and stimulates  the digestive system, helping  to relieve constipation.  Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, and reach back to grab your ankles, lifting your chest and thighs off the ground.

Apanasana Apanasana helps in relieving gas and bloating, which  can contribute to constipation. Lie on your back, bring  your knees to your chest, and hold them with your arms.