Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Hot Popcorn with Melted Butter and Seasoning Popcorn is a classic comfort snack. The warm, fluffy texture combined with melted butter and your favorite seasoning creates a delightful treat for cozy nights in.

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Tomato Soup A comforting combination  of gooey cheese between crispy bread, paired with a warm bowl of tomato soup,  is a perfect way to warm  up on a rainy evening.

Vegetable Pakoras  with Mint Chutney  Pakoras are deep-fried fritters made with various vegetables and spices. They offer a savory and crispy indulgence, especially when accompanied by refreshing mint chutney.

Warm Apple Slices with Caramel Dip  Sliced apples served warm with a side of caramel dip make for a sweet and satisfying snack, reminiscent of a fall dessert.

Roasted Nuts with Spices  Roasting nuts enhances their flavor and adds a delightful crunch. Season them with your favorite spices for a tasty and nutritious snack.

Mini Pizzas with Your  Favorite Toppings Quick and easy to make, mini pizzas allow you to customize toppings to your liking, providing a satisfying and fun snack for a rainy evening.

Steaming Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows A classic favorite, hot chocolate warms you up from the inside out, and adding marshmallows adds a touch  of sweetness and creaminess.

Baked Sweet Potato Fries  with Dipping Sauce Healthier than regular fries, baked sweet potato fries are  a tasty alternative. Pair them with your preferred dipping sauce for an enjoyable treat.

Cheese and Crackers  Platter with Grapes A simple yet satisfying  snack, a platter of assorted cheeses, crackers, and grapes provides a delightful balance of flavors and textures  for a relaxed evening.