Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Mongoose Mongooses are known for their agility and ability to take on venomous snakes. They are quick and have a natural resistance to snake venom.

Secretary Bird  This bird of prey has long legs and a powerful beak. It hunts snakes by stomping on them with its legs and then devouring them.

Honey Badger Honey badgers are notorious for their fearless nature.  They are known to attack and consume venomous snakes, including cobras.

Eagle Some large eagle species, like the Martial Eagle, are known to hunt snakes as part of their diet. They use their sharp talons to catch and  kill the snakes.

Monitor Lizard Monitor lizards are opportunistic predators and will eat snakes when they come across them. They have strong jaws and sharp teeth to help them consume their prey.

Herons and Egrets These wading birds are known to hunt for small snakes in wetland areas, using their long beaks to catch and eat them.

Roadrunner  Found in the southwestern United States, roadrunners are known for their swift running and can capture and consume small snakes.

Wild Boar Wild boars are omnivorous and opportunistic eaters. They have been observed eating snakes as part of their diet.