Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Duck Ducks are birds that  can walk on land  and swim in both freshwater and saltwater.

Frog Frogs are amphibians that can hop on land and swim in water. They have both lungs and moist skin for respiration.

Otter Otters are semiaquatic mammals known for their ability to walk on land and swim gracefully in rivers and ponds.

Seagull Seagulls are birds that  can walk on land and are excellent swimmers,  often seen floating on the ocean or diving for fish.

Penguin  Penguins are flightless birds that are exceptional swimmers and can  waddle on land with  their flipper-like wings.

Turtle  Turtles are reptiles  that can crawl on land  and are well adapted for swimming in various aquatic environments.

Platypus The platypus is a unique monotreme that can walk on land and is an excellent swimmer, using webbed feet and its bill for navigation.

Crocodile  Crocodiles are reptiles that can crawl on land and are powerful swimmers in both freshwater and saltwater.