Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Bald Eagle  (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)  The national bird of the United States, the bald eagle is a skilled fisherman, often seen swooping down to catch fish from lakes, rivers, and coastal waters.

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)  Also known as the sea hawk, the osprey is a bird of prey that specializes in catching fish from the water's surface. It has specialized adaptations for fishing, including reversible outer toes to better grasp its prey.

Polar Bear  (Ursus maritimus)  Although primarily carnivorous and known  for hunting seals, polar bears are opportunistic eaters and will also consume fish when available, particularly during their migration.

Grizzly Bear  (Ursus arctos horribilis)  Similar to polar bears, grizzly bears also include fish in their diet, often catching them as they swim upstream to spawn. They are particularly known for catching salmon.

River Otter  (Lontra canadensis) River otters are excellent swimmers and divers, and they often feed on a variety  of aquatic creatures, including fish. They are skilled hunters in both freshwater and  coastal environments.

Great Blue Heron  (Ardea herodias) These tall wading birds can often be seen hunting for fish along the edges of lakes, rivers, and marshes. They use their sharp beaks to strike at fish and other small aquatic animals.

Orca (Orcinus orca) Also known as killer whales, orcas are apex predators in the oceanic ecosystem. They have a diverse diet that includes various marine animals, and certain populations of orcas are known for specializing in hunting fish, such as salmon.

Seals and Sea Lions  Various species of seals and sea lions are opportunistic fish eaters. They are agile swimmers and often prey on smaller fish species in their coastal habitats.