Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Fruits and Berries In the forests, Lord Rama is said to have subsisted on various fruits and berries available in the wild. This includes different types of fruits that grow naturally in forested areas.

Roots and Tubers The trio is believed to have consumed roots and tubers found in the forest. These would have provided a basic source of sustenance during their time in exile.

Edible Plants and Leaves Lord Rama might have consumed edible plants and leaves available in the forest. Traditional knowledge of forest plants and their edibility would have played a crucial role in their survival.

Honey Honey is often mentioned in connection with Lord Rama's forest life. It is said that he and his companions would have gathered honey from beehives in the wild.

Simple Grains and Pulses It's conceivable that they might have come across some wild grains or pulses  in the forest, which could  have supplemented their diet.

Milk and Other Forest Products Depending on the regions they traveled through, they might have encountered animals like deer and collected milk or other forest products for sustenance.