Key Facts About Quit India Movement

1. Mahatma Gandhi  Mahatma Gandhi launched Quit India Movement on 8th August 1942.

2. Congress Committee All-India Congress Committee was held in Mumbai to end British rule. Gandhi named leader of the movement

3. Do or Die Gandhiji gave the call “Do or Die” in his speech delivered at Mumbai.

4. Grand Old Lady  Aruna Asaf Ali, a leader that emerged from the movement was popularly known as the ‘Grand Old Lady’ of the Independence Movement.

5. Yusuf Meherally Quit India Slogan coined by Socialist and Trade unionist Yusuf Meherally.

6. The Resolutions the immediate end of the British Raj on India and other 3 resolutions taken by movement.

7. Three phase movement The Quit Idea movement took place in three stages.

8. No Support the Mulsim League, Hindu Mahasabha, the Communist Party of India, and the Indian Bureaucracy are not support movement.

9. Arrest Nearly 1,00,000 people were arrested and Congress was declared an unlawful association.

10. Movement Crushed The Quit India movement was crushed in 1944.