Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Matsya (Fish) Avatar Lord Vishnu took the form of a fish to save the first man, Manu, and various species of plants and animals during a great flood.

Kurma (Tortoise) Avatar Lord Vishnu incarnated as a giant tortoise to support the Mount Mandara during the churning of the cosmic ocean (Samudra Manthan) by the  gods and demons.

Varaha (Boar) Avatar Lord Vishnu assumed the form  of a boar to rescue the Earth goddess, Bhudevi, from the demon Hiranyaksha, who had submerged the Earth into the cosmic ocean.

Narasimha (Half-Lion, Half-Human) Avatar Lord Vishnu appeared as a half-lion and half-human to annihilate the demon king, Hiranyakashipu, who was granted a boon that made him virtually invincible.

Vamana (Dwarf) Avatar  Lord Vishnu incarnated as a dwarf priest named Vamana to curb the power of the demon king, Mahabali, who had become a threat to the gods.

Parashurama Avatar Lord Vishnu took the form  of a warrior sage, Parashurama,  to eradicate the corrupt and tyrannical rulers of the world  during a time of great turmoil.

Rama Avatar Lord Vishnu appeared as the prince of Ayodhya, Lord Rama, to vanquish the demon king Ravana and establish righteousness (dharma) on Earth. This is the most well-known and revered avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Krishna Avatar  Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Krishna, the divine cowherd, to guide humanity, impart spiritual wisdom through the Bhagavad Gita, and establish righteousness during the epic battle of Kurukshetra.

Gautama Buddha Avatar  In this unique avatar, Lord Vishnu took birth as Prince Siddhartha, who later became Gautama Buddha, to spread the message  of non-violence, compassion,  and enlightenment.

Kalki Avatar This is the final and yet to come avatar of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Vishnu will take birth as Kalki at the end  of the current age, Kali Yuga,  to restore balance and righteousness on Earth.