Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Almonds  Rich in vitamin E, almonds promote healthy skin and hair and are a good source of energy.

Walnuts High in omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts support heart health and brain function.

Cashews  Packed with minerals like magnesium and zinc, cashews help maintain bone and immune health.

Pistachios These nuts are a great source of plant-based protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Dates High in iron and natural sugars, dates provide a quick energy boost.

Apricots Rich in vitamin A and fiber, dried apricots support skin health and digestion.

Prunes Excellent for digestion, prunes are high in fiber  and promote regular  bowel movements.

Raisins High in iron, raisins can help combat anemia and boost energy levels.

Pine Nuts  Rich in magnesium, pine nuts are beneficial for bone and muscle health.