Top 10 Places to Visit in Kashmir in 2023; The Ultimate Guide

Srinagar Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), is split into two by the river Jhelum. The star attraction here is the idyllic Dal Lake, having been ranked TripAdvisor’s top travellers’ choice

Sonmarg  Literally meaning the ‘meadow of gold’, Sonmarg observes a widespread bloom of yellow crocuses during spring. Sonmarg or Sonamarg is a high-altitude tourist attraction in Srinagar’s northeast region

Gulmarg   Gulmarg is a beautiful place in Kashmir that is an absolute delight for adventure seekers. This is the state’s crowning glory, offering the world’s second-highest gondola ride to Apharwat Peak (14,403 ft.) and the third-highest ski resort.

Pahalgam    Pahalgam is a visual treat with its breath-taking vistas of lush greenery, vast Himalayan ranges and pristine mountain rivers. Stretched along the Lidder River, it is a popular spot for adventure junkies.

Pulwama     Pulwama is a city that should be on everyone’s bucket list for multiple reasons. It is famous for its widespread saffron fields, largest milk production, and untouched surroundings

Aru Valley     Aru Valley’s scenic beauty is like a Windows wallpaper image. You can explore the stunning sights of this valley on a pony ride or foot. The drive to this gem of Kashmir is an experience in itself

Yusmarg Valley     Yusmarg or Yousmarg, literally meaning ‘Meadows of Jesus’, is a perfect alternative to the country’s other popular hill stations

Betaab Valley     Located just 5 km from Pahalgam, Betaab Valley is yet another attraction among the beautiful places in Kashmir. You can take in the scenery while sipping tea, coffee, or Kashmiri Kahwa at a roadside cafe.

Dachigam National Park     The Dachigam National Park is the world’s best-preserved natural habitat for the near-extinct Hangul or Kashmir stag (Red deer).

Chandanwari      Chandanwari is the popular entry point to Amarnath, one of the four dhams of Hinduism. It is located exactly halfway between Srinagar and Amarnath