Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Rhinoceros Rhinoceroses have thick, tough skin that serves as armor against predators. Their skin can be up to  1.5 inches (4 cm) thick  and is covered in tough, collagen-rich folds.

Elephant Elephants have tough, wrinkled skin that helps regulate their body temperature and provides protection from the sun. Despite its thickness, an elephant's skin is sensitive and can feel even the slightest touch.

Armadillo Armadillos are covered in a tough, bony armor composed of overlapping plates called scutes. This armor protects them from predators, and they can curl into a ball to further shield themselves.

Crocodile Crocodiles have tough, scaly skin that acts as armor. Their skin also helps them retain moisture and regulate body temperature. It's covered in armored plates called osteoderms.

Hippopotamus Hippopotamuses have thick, tough skin that secretes a reddish, oily substance.  This secretion acts as a sunscreen and antibiotic, protecting them from the  sun and potential infections.

Turtle Turtles have a bony shell composed of tough plates that covers most of their body. This shell provides protection against predators and environmental hazards.

Pangolin Pangolins are covered in overlapping keratin scales, similar in structure to human fingernails. These scales provide protection against predators and are incredibly tough.

Alligator Snapping Turtle  These turtles have a heavily textured, tough skin that helps them blend into their environment and provides protection from potential threats. They also have a massive, powerful jaw with sharp beaks for defense.