Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Data Scientist/Analyst While AI can assist in data analysis, human data scientists and analysts are needed to frame questions, design experiments, and interpret results. They also bring domain knowledge and critical thinking to identify relevant patterns and insights.

Ethical AI Developer  Developing AI systems that align with ethical guidelines and avoid biases is a complex task that requires human judgment. Ethical AI developers ensure AI technologies adhere to moral and legal standards.

Software Developer/Engineer  Creativity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to understand and translate human needs into code remain uniquely human abilities. AI can help automate some coding tasks but can't fully replace software developers.

Cybersecurity Analyst Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and human cybersecurity experts are crucial for identifying and responding to new and sophisticated attacks. Their expertise is essential in protecting systems and data.

AI/ML Model Trainer AI models require training data, and human experts are needed to curate and prepare this data, ensuring it's of high quality and free from biases. Additionally, human trainers fine-tune models and adapt them to real-world conditions.

User Experience (UX) Designer Designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces requires an understanding of human behavior and preferences. AI can assist in some aspects of design, but UX designers play a critical role in creating meaningful user experiences.

AI/ML Researcher While AI can automate parts  of the research process, breakthroughs in AI and machine learning often come from human researchers who push the boundaries of  what's possible, develop  novel algorithms, and  solve complex problems.

Technical Support/IT Specialist Providing personalized technical support, troubleshooting complex issues, and understanding the unique needs of users require interpersonal skills and adaptability that AI currently lacks.