Edited By: Pragati Bhandari

Sumerians  (c. 4500 BCE - 1900 BCE)  The Sumerians settled in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) and developed one of the earliest known writing systems, cuneiform.

Ancient Egyptians  (c. 3100 BCE - 332 BCE)  The civilization of ancient Egypt emerged along the Nile River and flourished for several millennia, leaving behind iconic monuments such as the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

Indus Valley Civilization  (c. 3300 BCE - 1300 BCE)  Located in the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent (modern-day Pakistan and northwest India), the Indus Valley Civilization featured advanced urban planning and a unique script that has yet to be fully deciphered.

Norte Chico Civilization  (c. 3500 BCE - 1800 BCE) This ancient civilization thrived in the coastal region of present-day Peru. Caral, its largest city, is considered one of the oldest urban settlements in the Americas.

Minoans  (c. 2700 BCE - 1450 BCE)  The Minoans inhabited the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea. They are renowned for their advanced maritime culture and the magnificent palace complex of Knossos.

Harappan Civilization  (c. 2600 BCE - 1900 BCE) Another name for the Indus Valley Civilization, the Harappan Civilization had  well-planned cities, advanced drainage systems, and a flourishing trade network.

Shang Dynasty  (c. 1600 BCE - 1046 BCE) The Shang Dynasty was  the first recorded dynasty in ancient China. It developed  a system of writing on oracle bones and left behind stunning bronze artifacts.

Olmec Civilization  (c. 1500 BCE - 400 BCE)  The Olmec Civilization, located  in present-day Mexico, laid the foundation for subsequent Mesoamerican civilizations.  They are known for colossal stone heads and early  ceremonial centers.

Hittites  (c. 1600 BCE - 1178 BCE) The Hittites established an empire in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) and were notable for their skill in chariot warfare and their contributions to bronze metallurgy.

Assyrian Civilization  (c. 2500 BCE - 609 BCE)  The Assyrians dominated Mesopotamia and built a powerful empire known for  its military prowess and the grand city of Nineveh.